The Power of Purpose & the Poppy Flower
A Collab with Poppy + Pink to Help SOF Spouses Thrive
The defining factor between service as an honor and service as a tragedy is whether or not the warrior succeeds when he returns home. When we support the whole family, we support the service member. This is true now and has always been true – yet neglected.
In the special operations forces (SOF) community, the spouse is a “citadel of stability,” but “she is more.” She manages the homefront and thousands of unseen tasks and still is a nurse, teacher, realtor, instructor, professional, or volunteer.

No husband around to fix the broken car, watch the sick child, finish the needed conversation, Make a myriad of decisions. Nope. But, She handles the situations, sometimes with anger and anguish, But mostly, with guts and grace.
– Ode to the Green Barrette
This is why we’re excited to collaborate with a woman-owned small business like Poppy and Pink, which recognizes the need to celebrate the important people in our lives.
It doesn’t take a huge party or a grand romantic gesture to say “I love you” or “you matter.” All it takes is a small gift to a spouse, friend, or even ourselves to be a simple reminder. For this week only, when you purchase at our Poppy and Pink MSOFC Pop-Up (link), you can use the code MSOFC at checkout to save 10% AND Poppy and Pink will contribute 10% of your purchase toward our charitable programs.

The Poppy Connection
Our MSOFC shield logo draws inspiration from the Golden California Poppy flower emerging from the desert and thriving in tough conditions. Like the poppy, the SOF spouse flourishes in the face of adversity, embodying the spirit of a tough yet vibrant yellow flower that defiantly blooms amid challenging circumstances. Their needs are few and simple, mirroring the unassuming requirements of the resilient poppy.

Beyond its connection to MSOFC, the poppy flower is a beautiful symbol of various qualities. The red poppy, widely used to honor fallen service members, is a poignant tradition within our community, with its roots as the symbol for Remembrance Day originating from its flourishing on battlefields following WWI.
While the hardships, tasks, and shortfalls of day-to-day military home life will always need to be addressed, we can also recognize the strengths of our SOF spouses and offer support that honors them. You can help us equip SOF spouses with much-needed skills and knowledge to thrive by making a purchase at our Poppy and Pink MSOFC Pop-Up (link) using the code MSOFC at checkout. Save 10% and allot 10% toward our charitable programs. Thank you for your support!