Nov. 20 SOF Team Room
Live and online from Ft. Liberty during Modern Warfare Week
The Team Room is co-hosted by Military Special Operations Family Collaborative and the Global SOF Foundation. It is a program that takes on critical conversations and highlights resources on hard yet necessary topics. At times, only a little information is needed to connect to resources and care on hard topics. The Team Room does this. After three years of the SOF Team Room, we finally had our first in person/hybrid event during Global SOF Foundation’s Modern Warfare Week at Ft. Liberty, NC.
Our MC’s Col. Michael Foote & Monika Fletcher (The Honor Foundation), flawlessly guided the evening of conversation on both heartfelt and challenging community topics from service, community strength, suicide, substance abuse, and so much more. Check-out the replay to catch the full segments covering Hurricane recovery [LINK], substance use and addiction, and efforts to strengthen both family and community relationships.
The Continuous Pursuit segment goes beyond a job or duty and is something you are proud of regardless of the toll/reward. How do you find it, discover it, recognize when it has to evolve? Transition is about building habits not setting goals. Continuous Pursuit was a conversation that put a spotlight on the stunning and impactful SOF community efforts to aid Hurricane rescue and recovery. Kristy Willis and Erin Rembert (The Station Foundation) and Eric Daniels shared stories from their service and ongoing needs.
The Beyond Exposures segment took on a tough topic and hosted an insightful conversation on substance use and addiction with a special focus on SOF and those who serve. No one goes to war thinking they will go unscathed. There is no community that understands the repercussions of war more than special operations, but the exposures don’t define us during or after service. With help we overcome exposures and live well. Dr. Tony Dice (The Farley Center and Bishop & Dice Defense) and Madeline Vann (The Farley Center and Therapy Owls) led highlighted information and resources for service members, veterans, and their families.
Rally Point Segment highlighted the work of The Rick Herrema Foundation (RHF), which strengthens relationships and builds community for The Military Family through fun, quality activities. Eric Ballester and John Yerby led this conversation, a conversation and challenge each understand very well having served decades in special ops. In and after service we all need a circle of friends and family. Our lives should be filled with friends, work/professional friends/mentors, & family – but this is an ever present challenge to service members, veterans, and their families.
Watch the Nov. REPLAY HERE [LINK]
Thank you to everyone who supported The Great Toy Convoy for WNC. MSOFC is thankful to The Inspire Up Foundation for their grant that supported recovery efforts. In addition to the toy donations, the grant went to support critical needs like heat and lumber in areas of dire need.
Also, a special thanks to our SOF Team Room Champion Sponsor, The Farley Center. The Farley Center at Williamsburg Place is to provide a superior continuum of care in a safe and therapeutic environment for those adults and their families who are experiencing problems related to the use of alcohol and/or other mood-altering chemicals. The Team Room highlights many organizations, and we are thankful for their support and participation.
If you missed previous Team Rooms, you can watch the replays on You Tube or checkout the full resources on MSOFC’s blog and event pages.
If you appreciate the Team Room, please consider supporting the program or becoming a sponsor. In Feb. 2025 we will host a virtual Team Room and our next in person/virtual event will be at SOF Week in Tampa. Learn more about sponsorship packages by emailing home@msofc.org